MVH began cultivating hops in early 2016, and as new growers in a modern non-traditional hop growing region, we searched hard to find information on how to grow hops in our area with little success. Virtually all of the modern hops cultivation information comes from the Pacific Northwest where a majority of the world's hops are grown. However, this is a completely different geographic location from us and offered very little in useful information for our climate, soil, pests, diseases, etc.
Hop·nólogy was formed in 2019 and we immediately found their vast amounts of knowledge and information very helpful. Their common sense and science based approach provides excellent groundwork and up-to-date information for any new or current hops grower, no matter what sized hopyard. They have years of experience in hops growing, marketing, usage, and more.
I cannot stress enough the amount of knowledge and helpful tips the guys at hop·nólogy have provided me in the past. I highly encourage you to check out their website and subscribe to their mailing list. The weekly podcasts they put out contain a gigantic mound of useful information, while the Discord channel allows for hops growers around the world to connect and discuss hops growing issues. Together, we can benefit from each others experiences and knowledge to build a better hops growing future for all.
To learn more about how the hop·nólogy team can assist you in the hops or brewing industry, click the button below.
Copyright © 2018- 2024 Mountain View Hops, LLC - All Rights Reserved.